Extreme Cleaning
Extreme Cleaning often deals with gross filth, vast amounts of rubbish, drug paraphernalia & vermin.

Hoarding Property Cleanup

Hoarding Cleanup

Complete Trauma Cleaning provide a hoarding cleanup, rubbish removal & disposal service for customers in Midlands, the surrounding area and the rest of the UK.

Hoarding is a mental illness known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) which often unnoticed by the individual doing it - it can range from simply not throwing away any household items or "collecting cats and dogs" in the same way as people collect souvenirs to more extreme cases of not throwing anything out including human waste.

No two hoarders are the same, and it not only affects the lives of the hoarder but often times a landlord, family member or property owner who may find they are left to deal with these situations. It can be extremely time consuming and not everyone has the time to deal with the situation. Another fact to consider where hoarding is a problem are rodents, insects and other pests that may have taken up residence.

Cleanup and removal of rubbish and debris from a hoarding site, typically involves cleaning a building or residence that a reasonable person would find uninhabitable due to a combination of filth and debris from hoarding, faecal matter, drug paraphernalia, bodily fluids, excessive trash, expired food, odour, boxed items, mold, mildew, infestation by lice or other insects etc.

The task of cleaning such an area can be challenging and often impossible for an individual untrained in decontamination and odour removal.

In addition, there are several legal requirements which need to be adhered to when locating and safely eliminating biohazards such as blood, body fluids and needlesticks which when mishandled can contribute to serious illnesses if adequate precautions are not taken.

You can be assured that Complete Trauma Cleaning have the wealth of experience, the professional training and use the professional tools and chemicals to eliminate all potential hazards within a gross filth or hoarding site.

Hoarding cleanup should not be treated as a standard cleanup job, there is often much more than meets the eye underneath the piles of rubbish or accumulated junk.

For more information regarding our hoarding cleanup & rubbish disposal service for Midlands, the surrounding towns & villages or anywhere else in the UK, please contact us.